Saturday, January 17, 2009

Kostielney is the new 1st District County Commissioner

Former District B councilman Andy Kostielney has been voted in by the GOP to take Mark Dobson's old seat as county commissioner. He will be finishing out the next two years of Dobson's term, and if he wishes to seek reelection will have to run again in 2010.

Who is this guy? Will he be good for St Joseph County? The Journal is initially confused as to why anyone in their right mind would like to enter into the unappreciated and underpaid world of public service, but this guy may actually have a decent head on his shoulders.

As a former Republican county councilman, Andy voted in favor of the controversial Tondu Coal Gasification plant. One may think "of course, the republican wants to do whatever corporations tell him to do." This is not the case. Kostielney happens to be a big fan of the Democratic led and government exectuted Project Future. It was Project Futures recommendation and plan to allow Tondue to build an environmentally friendly plant in New Carlisle. The county council shot down the idea with a vote of 7-2. Tondu would have brought in at ;east $400 million immedeatly into the region.

Project Future -- a whole entire blog of its own -- was a well planned mission for the region that many in local government have been dismissive about. As a councilman, Andy fought to keep Project Future funded and keep its mission. Thats right, a Republican that believes in the responsibility of government to its taxpayers by working to attract economic development....Regan would be spinning in his grave.

Kostielney will be a welcome addition to the commissioners' office.

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